Hill Yacht Broker

Fort Lauderdale Office

About Jim

A self-described Army brat, Jim Hill was born in Germany and lived in Hawaii and California before his family settled in South Florida in the late 70’s.

More About Jim

Growing up, he enjoyed fishing, scuba diving, surfing and pretty much everything to do with the ocean. Keeping with family tradition, he joined the Air Force and was fortunate enough to be stationed on the U.S. territory island of Guam where he could continue to enjoy everything the sea had to offer while serving his country.

In the late 80’s, Jim moved back to South Florida to be closer to family and continued to enjoy the tropical way of life in Pompano Beach. He used his military training as a nuclear weapons electronics specialist to start a career in the electronics manufacturing/engineering field.

Finally settling down and starting a family of his own, he moved to Stuart in the late 90’s. With his wife at home to raise their two boys, Jim took on a second job as harbor master of a private 150 slip marina. As the harbor master, he learned quickly that, “in the yachting circles” product knowledge, customer service and communication is paramount for success. Jim had been putting buyer’s and seller’s together on the docks as harbor master for quite some time and saw the opportunity to make a living doing something he loved.

Accepting a sales position, Jim finally found his niche and began his yacht sales career working and selling yachts to his close group of marina clients and fishing buddies during the first couple of years. Jim also entered the realm of competitive Marlin fishing tournaments with a few of his sport fishing clients. He found the tournaments in the Bahamas were a great way for him to meet new clients as well as have a little fun in the slower summer months.

Upon joining the team at Allied Marine, Jim’s business has taken on a more international direction. Since joining Allied Marine, Jim has taken a “hands on” approach to learning the products and how they are assembled. He has also broadened his global reach for knowledge by participating in regional international boat shows in destinations such as Dubai and Cannes. Jim feels that experiencing his client’s environment is the best way to understand how they live and provides a better feel for what they are looking for in a yacht.

Furthering his knowledge and giving his career a broader base, Jim completed my USCG 100 Ton master license program. Doing so has abled him to exude the confidence most clients seek in their broker’s when it comes to yacht handling and detailed systems knowledge.

Working out of the Stuart office for Allied Marine, Jim is ready to help you find the perfect yacht whether you are a trawler, high performance, cruising or sport fishing enthusiast.